Try a new sport
Brady, A. http://www.new-dating.com/search.php
2 free ways to try a new sport
Throughout June, tennis centers nationwide will offer this challenging one-hour workout that involves running and hitting drills accompanied by high-energy music.
You'll polish your skills for free while burning about 560 calories an hour (100 more than you would playing the real thing).
During Women's Golf Week (June 3-10), benefiting the American Heart Association, facilities across the country will offer lessons to women at no charge. Carry your own clubs, and you'll burn nearly 300 calories per hour.
The growing importance of professional standards and
accountability within sport psychology has increased
practitioners' responsibility for evaluating and documenting their services.
Evaluation is considered to be 'an essential element to expanding theoretical and practical knowledge of what really works, with whom and in which context' and it can, if disseminated, 'contribute to the sport psychology community'
Brady, A. http://www.new-dating.com/search.php